It was a really pleasant, nice and relaxing playing this game and i'm very excited and looking forward to seeing how this game will continue to develop. I'm also looking forward to seeing how, or if, the demo will continue developing as well and in that case seeing what more gets added to the game as well as how long it is and what else we'll be able to do in it.
I enjoyed the demo and i like the art style as well as the music that's currently in it, just took me a little to adjust to how i feel like the PC character looked a lot more small or skinnier/slim in the overworld sprite, but that might just be me, but i still like it, just not fully sure if i'm wierd or not XD. i'm curious to see what will be added next to the demo but whatever it is i'm looking forward to it.
If there is one thing i would say about adding is a small settings or audio tab where you could adjust some of the game audio, wether it be the bgm or the sound effects, because while i was playing the demo the sound for when the bunnies were sold seemed to be a bit inconsistent at times, most of the times it was the same and just like a nice background noise but then occasionally it seemed to be a bit louder and suprising and it didn't seem like there was a pattern to it. Now maybe i was just hearing things or maybe it was some kind of bug, or maybe even a feature for notifying if a bunny got sold for more than usual, i don't really now, just thought i'd mention it here. If it was just me hearing things or if it was a bug, maybe it could still be an interesting idea for there to be a small chance for whatever animal being sold to get sold for a bit more than usual and there being maybe a slightly different sound for when that happens, If that isn't actually in the game already or too difficult or complicated to add to the game. either way that is just an idea i got while writing this comment which i'm realising now has become a lot longer than i intended. oops XD
but no matter, great work on this game and continue with the great work, and don't worry about taking your time with the game, i'll wait for however long i'll need for more of this :)
The issue with the bunnies getting sold is not an audio problem but a coding issue, I'll fix it in the next patch. Outside of that, thank you for the feedback!
Não sei ingles então por favor usem o Google tradutor.
Notei que se troca de area no mapa muito rapido a tela fica preta não perde o funcionamento mas quase tudo some, gostaria de falar que achei o jogo interessante gostei da animação e espero ver muito mais garotas monstros no futuro
Each major update will add a new gathering crop and a new breeder to the cast, hard to say which side it will focus more, imagine a similar balance to the demo but with a couple of additional gameplay features to spice things up if the game loop becomes too predictable.
How big is your team already? I saw this belong to well you the dev that also made two other games I tried out.
I hope you don't start to much and don't finish anything first if the team is small. That also seems like a bad thing to do as a fanfiction writer and stuff.
Don't worry, my situation is particular and I can see why someone would be concerned, thanks for the feedback by the way, for the steam page I'll do an announcement in a 2-3 months
Hhhhmm I'm kind of indifferent to the art at the beginning, but I noticed I accepted it quickly.
The music is nice enough to, I'm just not sure how perfect it is for me yet.
Overall the art, scene style and everything for better lack of words seems really well and interessting and I'm already kind of interessted to pay a bit here to make sure you can make it a fleshed out game.
I will wait a month or to to see if the steam news are true before saying anything more.
It's a very fun game to play. I can't wait for your update. I hope to play it again if you update the game soon. I'm looking forward to following your next game.
(PS: I ended up writing a wall of text, kinda sorry but I hope it's useful, I REALLY enjoyed the demo and really want to do something helpfull!! ^^ )
The Demo is very promising! Very chill game with great art-style and animations.
- Art and Animations I hope to see variety in terms of sex animations (I'd avoid doing "samey" vaginal and blowjobs with too similar positions), maybe take advantage of the animals having different natures to come up with a good variety of scenes: Bunny Girl is about service and being more submissive, Frog is into blowjobs and licking, Fox enjoys turning the protagonist on with teasing or something like a reach-around handjob, and hog being more dominant and physically restricting the protagonist. You are the artist and you should feel free to draw whatever you want but, to get more people playing (and supporting) the game, I suggest exploring different body types (while keeping most of the characters to your likings): like characters with not-so-huge boobs (not an issue for me personally, but I could see how some players may lose interest in the game if not into big boobs) or less/more muscles. You could also add 2-3 characters that always stay together and look the same (maybe Bee/Wasp-Girls? or a Queen Bee being the character you interact with but she makes her servant serve you) to more easily introduce three/four-some scenes (like, for example, by having three bee girls licking a dick, you can make the two on the sides specular so you just need to make one animation and just mirror it, or maybe have the player fuck the girl in the middle and finger the other two on the side, so you can just copy and paste the same animation three times and MAYBE just slighlty change the face). Basically, since you have limited time to animate and develop the game, you can sneak in more content by being smart about how and what you animate.
- Gameplay and QOL I think you should add a button to hide text during scenes (maybe I missed it?) and a way to access a character scenes by interacting with them or through a gallery menu (or both). My biggest suggestion is to add some sort of "DatingSim-like" element where you usa an "action token" (start with 1, you get more by leveling up and they recharge on sleep, I think it's better than just using stamina) that you can use to play a mini-game* with a MonsterGirl to bond with her, which unlocks dialogues to give the player more flavor about their personality and levels up the "Relationship Level" with them, this system could be expanded by having a unique shop for each girl with scenes and portraits that are locked until you reach Relationship Level x, then you also need Gold to buy them. Maybe also allow the player to unlock variations like recolors, different piercings (or getting rid of them) or maybe different eyes during the animation, or whatever you know doesn't require too much work (I don't animate so I don't know) but can add reason for the player to make progress.
*MINIGAMES if you can, you should make a unique bonding Minigame for each girl, but even just one could work, Minigames should be something chill but with an harder mode for someone looking for some challenge, here two ideas (but generally, either doing something to the girl or having her do something to you):
- Giving a massage (point and click): the player starts by massaging the girl's back (either just a still image or a 2 frames animation for breathing + 1 frame for a perfect click, something like stretching and a light ahegao face), green dots appear around her body that the player needs to click, the dots slowly shade to red before vanishing, the quicker the player clicks on them, the more Bond points they get. By reaching a higher Relationship level, the player unlocks "Phase 2", or harder difficulty, where the girl is laying on her back and the player gets to massage her breast and thighs. Dots appear faster, fade faster and the player can fail the minigame if he doesn't get a minimum amount of points, but each dot give much more Bond points, which allows the player to bond faster while spending the same amount of "action tokens".
- Trying not to cum (Pressing Space with the right timing): this definitely suits more a dominant girl, basically she gives the player a handjob (that will later become a scene you can watch on her gallery, so you can reuse the asset), a bar on the side or bottom of the screen slowly fills with white and the player fails if it fills completely, meanwhile he needs to press space at the right time during the animation to resist, to help the player understand the timing you can add a bar with Green, Yellow and Red spots, green is either in the middle or at the right end of the bar, obviously: hitting the red spot fills the gauge the most while hitting green fills it sligthly or doesn't at all, also green zone is the smallest and both green and yellow zones get smaller in harder phases. The emptier the gauge, the more Bond points the player gets. You could either make a different animation for a harder version (like blowjob for phase 2 and a reverse amazon for phase 3) OR be smart about it and just add elements to it: Phase 1 - Reach-around handjob with the right hand; Phase 2 - Handjob gets faster and she plays with a nipple with the left hand (so you need to just add the arm animation); Phase 3 - the girl also licks the protagonist neck or nibble his ear. This way you can add depth to the animation, have 3 phases that feel different but you don't need to put in the time to animate 3 different scenes, just one that unveil itself slowly.
I do like the idea of the different body types for the female characters if the author so chooses. Also the minigame recommendation you gave as I can see that definitely connecting with the dating potential to this game if it decides to delve deeper into it. I can't really imagine any other ways to add on other what your comment placed in so yea. You said it.
I would like add on a bit to the "Relationship" level you mentioned, you think a special animation or reward for the player should be made if they were to reach a potential max level relationship with a character? Maybe a perk that modifies the gameplay a bit on their barns / huts?
Extra (optional):
Other than my personal preferences such as lactation and impregnation which isn't everyone's taste (if it was implemented the bunny girls first). The neck nibbling used in one of the minigames you mentioned or licking definitely sounds enticing.
I'm more into animations and what things an artist would make for these kinds of games, an example being fingering animation while having breast sucking or fondling as she's laying down or against the wall is one. Or a reverse piledriver (hopefully on the bunny girl) but she can rest her lower half against a wall if needed and the MC can penetrate a little easier without worry for the bunny girl's lower half to be pushed back or use props to help hold her in place. Seashell position is a classic one.
Just finished the demo. I think it's alright. Sadly the golden Carrot only got used once in spite of me getting quite a few of them to spare after fully upgrading the garden. I see quite a bit of promise in this project and I patiently await for more. If I had one bit of criticism toward it however, it is the lack of a tutorial. Sure I figured out what I was supposed to do and where to go but I could've accidentally went to bed right away skipping an entire day of no progress. And since the day of payment doesn't arrive, there isn't really a fail state either just yet. If there is one thing I am not a fan of, it would be the bunny girl's piercings. But that's more of a preference thing than anything against the game itself. Do keep working at it, I hope to see an expansion on more of the farm and characters both present and future.
Small error found in the demo. When Daisy says "you're" there is a box instead of the apostrophe. Liking it so far. Will post again once finished and make a rating of the demo.
You now have my attention. I enjoyed the experience, I also gave this page here a follow, looking forward for more updates. Especially those that have that might have that golden word I mentioned before.
"Man PP makes some banger game ideas." And than i see this. idk howmuch monney i can throw at you to make a full game of this with DLC but ill find a way LOL
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Will There ever be an Android version?
Vai ter pra Android?
What kinks are you planning on adding/already have?
The upcoming monstergirls are listed in the roadmap section of the page
Pixelpanzone look at me, look at me. I need you to tell me that there's a mobile version in the works.
It's not currently in the works but it will be eventually done
And now I play the waiting game
Will there be android
What he said
Dude pleaseeee, i dont mean no offense and i love your game but pleaseee update ur old game instead of making newwwww
Gym buddies will be updated in 4 days, carnal crawl is in the works
1 more day to gooo
Simple but good start. Perfectly shows off what kind of content to expect in the demo.
It was a really pleasant, nice and relaxing playing this game and i'm very excited and looking forward to seeing how this game will continue to develop.
I'm also looking forward to seeing how, or if, the demo will continue developing as well and in that case seeing what more gets added to the game as well as how long it is and what else we'll be able to do in it.
I enjoyed the demo and i like the art style as well as the music that's currently in it, just took me a little to adjust to how i feel like the PC character looked a lot more small or skinnier/slim in the overworld sprite, but that might just be me, but i still like it, just not fully sure if i'm wierd or not XD. i'm curious to see what will be added next to the demo but whatever it is i'm looking forward to it.
If there is one thing i would say about adding is a small settings or audio tab where you could adjust some of the game audio, wether it be the bgm or the sound effects, because while i was playing the demo the sound for when the bunnies were sold seemed to be a bit inconsistent at times, most of the times it was the same and just like a nice background noise but then occasionally it seemed to be a bit louder and suprising and it didn't seem like there was a pattern to it. Now maybe i was just hearing things or maybe it was some kind of bug, or maybe even a feature for notifying if a bunny got sold for more than usual, i don't really now, just thought i'd mention it here.
If it was just me hearing things or if it was a bug, maybe it could still be an interesting idea for there to be a small chance for whatever animal being sold to get sold for a bit more than usual and there being maybe a slightly different sound for when that happens, If that isn't actually in the game already or too difficult or complicated to add to the game. either way that is just an idea i got while writing this comment which i'm realising now has become a lot longer than i intended. oops XD
but no matter, great work on this game and continue with the great work, and don't worry about taking your time with the game, i'll wait for however long i'll need for more of this :)
The issue with the bunnies getting sold is not an audio problem but a coding issue, I'll fix it in the next patch. Outside of that, thank you for the feedback!
ohh i see, yeah i wouldn't be able to tell since i'm really bad with tech stuff but nice, and keep up the great work
Will we be able to impregnate the girls at some point?
hehehhehehe. it was a pleasant time playing this. relaxing even. im eager with anticipation on the next release. this is a lovely game.
Waiting for chickens!
Não sei ingles então por favor usem o Google tradutor.
Notei que se troca de area no mapa muito rapido a tela fica preta não perde o funcionamento mas quase tudo some, gostaria de falar que achei o jogo interessante gostei da animação e espero ver muito mais garotas monstros no futuro
how do i use golden veggies? I have 7 but daisy isnt accepting them...
They work only one time for now
Im a furry but...
i think there is no more than demo right now right?
You're correct
One thing, for the potential future updates, will it focus more on gameplay or story?
Both have their respective pros and cons but I'm curious.
Each major update will add a new gathering crop and a new breeder to the cast, hard to say which side it will focus more, imagine a similar balance to the demo but with a couple of additional gameplay features to spice things up if the game loop becomes too predictable.
Android when?
Can't say for now but I'll reach you back when I'll have more info about it
How big is your team already? I saw this belong to well you the dev that also made two other games I tried out.
I hope you don't start to much and don't finish anything first if the team is small. That also seems like a bad thing to do as a fanfiction writer and stuff.
Each game has different people working on it, unless I die before I'm going to finish every game you see on my Itch page.
Okay you probably told me already, I guess my memory is a bit bad there. Thank you.
Don't worry, my situation is particular and I can see why someone would be concerned, thanks for the feedback by the way, for the steam page I'll do an announcement in a 2-3 months
Hhhhmm I'm kind of indifferent to the art at the beginning, but I noticed I accepted it quickly.
The music is nice enough to, I'm just not sure how perfect it is for me yet.
Overall the art, scene style and everything for better lack of words seems really well and interessting and I'm already kind of interessted to pay a bit here to make sure you can make it a fleshed out game.
I will wait a month or to to see if the steam news are true before saying anything more.
Good game with lots of potential
Thank you!
It's a very fun game to play. I can't wait for your update. I hope to play it again if you update the game soon. I'm looking forward to following your next game.
Would there be android version in the future
Probably but it's not a priority for now
Aight man
(PS: I ended up writing a wall of text, kinda sorry but I hope it's useful, I REALLY enjoyed the demo and really want to do something helpfull!! ^^ )
The Demo is very promising! Very chill game with great art-style and animations.
- Art and Animations
I hope to see variety in terms of sex animations (I'd avoid doing "samey" vaginal and blowjobs with too similar positions), maybe take advantage of the animals having different natures to come up with a good variety of scenes: Bunny Girl is about service and being more submissive, Frog is into blowjobs and licking, Fox enjoys turning the protagonist on with teasing or something like a reach-around handjob, and hog being more dominant and physically restricting the protagonist.
You are the artist and you should feel free to draw whatever you want but, to get more people playing (and supporting) the game, I suggest exploring different body types (while keeping most of the characters to your likings): like characters with not-so-huge boobs (not an issue for me personally, but I could see how some players may lose interest in the game if not into big boobs) or less/more muscles. You could also add 2-3 characters that always stay together and look the same (maybe Bee/Wasp-Girls? or a Queen Bee being the character you interact with but she makes her servant serve you) to more easily introduce three/four-some scenes (like, for example, by having three bee girls licking a dick, you can make the two on the sides specular so you just need to make one animation and just mirror it, or maybe have the player fuck the girl in the middle and finger the other two on the side, so you can just copy and paste the same animation three times and MAYBE just slighlty change the face). Basically, since you have limited time to animate and develop the game, you can sneak in more content by being smart about how and what you animate.
- Gameplay and QOL
I think you should add a button to hide text during scenes (maybe I missed it?) and a way to access a character scenes by interacting with them or through a gallery menu (or both). My biggest suggestion is to add some sort of "DatingSim-like" element where you usa an "action token" (start with 1, you get more by leveling up and they recharge on sleep, I think it's better than just using stamina) that you can use to play a mini-game* with a MonsterGirl to bond with her, which unlocks dialogues to give the player more flavor about their personality and levels up the "Relationship Level" with them, this system could be expanded by having a unique shop for each girl with scenes and portraits that are locked until you reach Relationship Level x, then you also need Gold to buy them. Maybe also allow the player to unlock variations like recolors, different piercings (or getting rid of them) or maybe different eyes during the animation, or whatever you know doesn't require too much work (I don't animate so I don't know) but can add reason for the player to make progress.
*MINIGAMES if you can, you should make a unique bonding Minigame for each girl, but even just one could work, Minigames should be something chill but with an harder mode for someone looking for some challenge, here two ideas (but generally, either doing something to the girl or having her do something to you):
- Giving a massage (point and click): the player starts by massaging the girl's back (either just a still image or a 2 frames animation for breathing + 1 frame for a perfect click, something like stretching and a light ahegao face), green dots appear around her body that the player needs to click, the dots slowly shade to red before vanishing, the quicker the player clicks on them, the more Bond points they get. By reaching a higher Relationship level, the player unlocks "Phase 2", or harder difficulty, where the girl is laying on her back and the player gets to massage her breast and thighs. Dots appear faster, fade faster and the player can fail the minigame if he doesn't get a minimum amount of points, but each dot give much more Bond points, which allows the player to bond faster while spending the same amount of "action tokens".
- Trying not to cum (Pressing Space with the right timing): this definitely suits more a dominant girl, basically she gives the player a handjob (that will later become a scene you can watch on her gallery, so you can reuse the asset), a bar on the side or bottom of the screen slowly fills with white and the player fails if it fills completely, meanwhile he needs to press space at the right time during the animation to resist, to help the player understand the timing you can add a bar with Green, Yellow and Red spots, green is either in the middle or at the right end of the bar, obviously: hitting the red spot fills the gauge the most while hitting green fills it sligthly or doesn't at all, also green zone is the smallest and both green and yellow zones get smaller in harder phases. The emptier the gauge, the more Bond points the player gets. You could either make a different animation for a harder version (like blowjob for phase 2 and a reverse amazon for phase 3) OR be smart about it and just add elements to it: Phase 1 - Reach-around handjob with the right hand; Phase 2 - Handjob gets faster and she plays with a nipple with the left hand (so you need to just add the arm animation); Phase 3 - the girl also licks the protagonist neck or nibble his ear. This way you can add depth to the animation, have 3 phases that feel different but you don't need to put in the time to animate 3 different scenes, just one that unveil itself slowly.
I do like the idea of the different body types for the female characters if the author so chooses. Also the minigame recommendation you gave as I can see that definitely connecting with the dating potential to this game if it decides to delve deeper into it. I can't really imagine any other ways to add on other what your comment placed in so yea. You said it.
I would like add on a bit to the "Relationship" level you mentioned, you think a special animation or reward for the player should be made if they were to reach a potential max level relationship with a character? Maybe a perk that modifies the gameplay a bit on their barns / huts?
Extra (optional):
Other than my personal preferences such as lactation and impregnation which isn't everyone's taste (if it was implemented the bunny girls first). The neck nibbling used in one of the minigames you mentioned or licking definitely sounds enticing.
I'm more into animations and what things an artist would make for these kinds of games, an example being fingering animation while having breast sucking or fondling as she's laying down or against the wall is one. Or a reverse piledriver (hopefully on the bunny girl) but she can rest her lower half against a wall if needed and the MC can penetrate a little easier without worry for the bunny girl's lower half to be pushed back or use props to help hold her in place. Seashell position is a classic one.
Just finished the demo. I think it's alright. Sadly the golden Carrot only got used once in spite of me getting quite a few of them to spare after fully upgrading the garden. I see quite a bit of promise in this project and I patiently await for more. If I had one bit of criticism toward it however, it is the lack of a tutorial. Sure I figured out what I was supposed to do and where to go but I could've accidentally went to bed right away skipping an entire day of no progress. And since the day of payment doesn't arrive, there isn't really a fail state either just yet. If there is one thing I am not a fan of, it would be the bunny girl's piercings. But that's more of a preference thing than anything against the game itself. Do keep working at it, I hope to see an expansion on more of the farm and characters both present and future.
Small error found in the demo. When Daisy says "you're" there is a box instead of the apostrophe. Liking it so far. Will post again once finished and make a rating of the demo.
Thanks, I'll fix in the next patch
I want this on Android and I want it now
...dr evil
So before I play the game, I have a one worded question, breeding?
Answering the question may put me in danger
You now have my attention. I enjoyed the experience, I also gave this page here a follow, looking forward for more updates. Especially those that have that might have that golden word I mentioned before.
here you only do the demo?
There's only a demo *for now*
ok thank you
It would be cool to see some game for Android and iPhones so that no one would be offended and would want to try them on phones), thanks for your work
A porting would be possible but I want to prioritize making a good game first
Will there be a girldick option in an update?
"Man PP makes some banger game ideas."
And than i see this. idk howmuch monney i can throw at you to make a full game of this with DLC but ill find a way LOL
Thanks bro, you're too kind, I'm just a dude with a pixel brush tbh.